Woohoo!!!!! Just did my first festival show this past weekend. I had blast. Did quite well on sales too :) I was very proud of myself at how prepared I was but I also learned a lot. I had read quite a few blogs on tips for craft/art shows, the 'to do' and 'not to do' lists, how they set up their tables, yadayada. I didn't know what to expect and went in with eyes wide open.
Should not have left the tarp in the car. Yup, had a cloud burst and it rained for about 20 minutes which to a degree was good because when it rains folks look for shelter, and I had a canopy. The ends of my tables got wet but nothing a little time, wind, and sun wouldn't take care of.
The breeze was gusty and blew over one of my earring spinners and most of my necklace displays so I will try the rolled up packing tape under the base of the displays procedure to secure them to the table, and someone suggested to place a rock on the inside of the earring spinners. We'll see how all that works next time.
I think I still need a little more height, a couple more platforms to put the earring spinners on maybe. I'll figure something out.
I need to iron my table skirts, although once then get packed up they may get all wrinkly again but maybe not as wrinkly as they were.
I need to make more signs to advertise and draw people into my booth. Big ones that people can read as they pass by. Especially for my Guitar String Jewelry, after all, most of the shows I have lined up this year are at music festivals.
I should have brought paper clips to show how to easily latch your bracelets. Its in my
Helpful Hints section.
The best part - seeing my customers face to face. Not that online selling is bad, not by any means, but you don't get that organic rapport. You don't get to see a customers reaction to a piece - "OMG this bracelet will go perfectly with that dress I just bought", or see the look on their face when they hold a pair of earrings up to their ears and say "I really like these, don't they look great with my hair?" Or being able to help a Dad pick something out for his daughter, help a customer decide which blue work best with their outfit. I had a friend purposely come with no jewelry on because she wanted to adorn herself with something from me. How sweet was that!!!!!

I've been selling online for over two years but have been designing for over 15. I've been selling in consignment shops and before I "retired" I sold a lot at work. But this, well, it was quite validating. I love every piece that I make and have a so much fun doing what I do.
I'm constantly trying to come up with new creations, designing pieces that are different than what you see elsewhere. I heard that a lot, "Your stuff is really unique" "What a cool idea......." "Oh, these are fun.....". I'm not making this up. I purposely listened to what shoppers were saying, there comments about any aspect be it pricing or design, negative and positive, taking notes because there's always something to learn, some thing that I could do better or make more of, like necklaces, and anklets.
I know every show may not be as delightful and fulfilling as this one, although I hope they will be. My next one is in three weeks. I've got a lot to do.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Blessings to All